Dear Madi,
It is no secret that I loved having you home this week on Spring Break! Among the reasons why are these...
*seeing you hanging around in your pajamas instead of rushing you out the door
*watching you read dozens of books on your own
*observing you making your endless pictures, crafts, and projects
*having a "sleepover" with you one night where you giggled and laughed until I told you we just had to get some sleep
*going to a tea party to celebrate your best friend's birthday with you
And that's just a few of the reasons! I especially enjoyed our Disney time together because you are so into Disney right now. You had the privilege of riding all the rides you had been wanting to try - Expedition Everest, Test Track, Soaring - and were thrilled by every minute! You even gave Tower of Terror another try, which made me proud because you conquered a fear. When talking about Tower of Terror and Everest, you said you were scared but just held on to me and buried your face into my arm. Life is going to be that way sometimes, Madi. There will be milestones that will be thrilling and scary all at the same time. But I want you to know that you can always hold my hand. Just like these rides, there will be times we encourage you to try something that we know will help you grow or that you will ultimately enjoy, but we will be there along the way to help you and guide you, and sometimes to let you bury your face in our arms. Because you and your brother are our greatest gifts from God, gifts we strive to steward well.
Thanks for adding rays of sunshine to this week. I've loved every minute.
Dear Trevor,
I think your best line of the week was Monday when were outside on a beautiful evening at Epcot. We hadn't eaten our meal yet, but discovered a bakery in France and tried the chocolate cake which turned out to be so delicious we ordered another piece. After you dug in and gobbled it up, you looked at all of us, smiled with a face covered in chocolate crumbs, and said cheerfully, "Well, that was a great dinner!"
And such is your take on life! You take things in stride, enjoy yourself, and make everyone else stop to enjoy themselves! Your cheer is contagious and inspiring.
From Disney days to waffle mornings to Play-Doh creations to watching the old Star Wars movies for the first time, you've had a fun week. And that, my son, makes my heart happy.
Here's to more chocolate cake for dinner,
Dear Jimmy,
We are blessed. And we are both thankful. Which just makes me more thankful. I treasure spending life with a man who has a grateful heart.
Counting our blessings,
P.S. Thanks for eating all those turkey sandwiches this week! The packed bag lunches and dinners we ate at Disney were worth the memories made, even though lunch and dinner were usually identical! You are always such a good sport. Thanks! :)
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you so much for gifting us with these part time Disney passes at Christmas. It was a surprise that has been a tremendous blessing to our family during this season of our lives! We are making so many memories, and they made this spring break so much fun! I'm glad you guys could enjoy some of the fun with us this week. You always bless us, and we appreciate you more than you know.
Our Family
Dear God,
Every good and perfect gift comes from You.
Thank You.
Standing grateful,
Your Daughter
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