Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We've had some cold weather here this month.  Colder than usual for this early in the winter season.  And for some reason on the chilly nights when the heat kicks on and I am snuggled up in my warm, comfy bed I have been having these thoughts....

Not everyone is this warm.  Not everyone is this comfortable.  Thank you God.  Please forgive me for all I take for granted.  Even this bed, God.  Thank you for this bed.  

Same thing in the mornings when the temps are low and the heat is running full blast and I wake up so warm and cozy.

Not everyone is this warm.  Not everyone is this comfortable.  I am undeservedly blessed.  Thank you God.  Thank you even for this bed.  Forgive me for all the times I haven't noticed or stopped to say thank you.

I am not sure why these thoughts have been so present lately for though I try to intentionally live with a grateful heart, it would be an understatement to say I take things for granted daily.  I take things for granted all the time.

And not just material things.  Things like a loving family, health, my next meal, my next breath for that matter, my salvation, the fact that I am able to live at peace with God thanks the sacrifice of Jesus.

It's interesting because over the past year or two Luke 12:48 has often been at the forefront of my mind where the Bible says to whom much is given, much is required.

In the context of my heart it has been about time, love, sacrifice, hospitality, possessions, finances, commitments, investments in people.  I have been given much and need to give back much.  

Tonight our family was able to participate with some of our church family in giving in what was perhaps a small way in light of the world and its troubles, but a big way to a family in need and to children who have no control over their circumstances.  On the way home I had a great talk with my kids about how the Bible says it is more blessed to give than receive (Acts 20:35) and I believe their eyes were opened a bit.  And my heart was reminded a bit.

Because let's just face it, no matter where we fall in the social order of this crazy life, we all have the capacity for ungratefulness.  But we all also have the choice for a grateful heart. The poorest of poor, the richest of rich, and those of us who fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum - we all have a choice for either state of the heart.

And we all have the choice to be takers or givers.  Of things, yes, but also of ourselves.  

I for one know I need to start thanking God more for things like the comfy bed.

I don't deserve it or anything else.  But I want to praise and thank the God of grace who bestows such gifts on me.  As the songs says, "Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise."

And I want to give.  Much.  I want to do what is required of me.

Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly,
to love mercy,
 and to walk humbly with your God?

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