Saturday, March 24, 2012

Taste The Rainbow Cupcakes

Flashback: Last year the kids and I, along with our pal Caroline, made this rainbow of mini cupcakes with "gold" at the end for a St. Patrick's Day celebration.  

This past Tuesday, upon seeing my request on this blog, my mom made reubens for dinner as a delayed St. Patrick's Day meal.  She pretty much makes the best reubens ever.  I volunteered to bring dessert, and still wanted to go with the whole rainbow theme.  This year I went with an idea I saw here.  I followed the directions and made six different bowls of batter, which was a little time consuming and tricky to layer in the muffin tins, but I figured it was a fun experiment and was curious to how they would turn out!

They were actually quite lovely, so colorful and almost tie-dyed in appearance!

And on the inside there was indeed a rainbow!

Rainbows need white puffy clouds, so I whipped up some cream cheese frosting...

Then after our delicious reubens (I like mine extra juicy and loaded with sauerkraut)...

We tasted the rainbow!

They were scrumptious, and you can be sure Madi loved them!

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