Dear Madi,
We had so much American Girl fun yesterday at the library! Such a special afternoon with you, listening to Taylor Swift songs in the car and playing cute games surrounded by dolls and fancy little girls! But sadly you are sick today. My heart hurts when you or Trevor are sick. Around 6:00 you fell asleep on the couch, and when I checked on you a little while ago your fever had spiked. I gave you medicine, sponged you down with cool cloths, changed your nightgown, and am waiting to see if the fever goes down. I hate seeing you so weak and tired. And tomorrow I have jury duty. Life is complicated! One day you are going to understand and experience its complications. But for now I just want you to rest between your cool sheets and know you are taken care of and so, so loved.
Praying You Feel Better Soon,
Dear Trev,
I enjoyed volunteering in your classroom one day last week! It was fun for me to watch you in action. You are such a friendly little boy! You introduced me to nearly everyone in your class and told me something about them and I loved it. You helped your teacher clean up and told her, "I won't wet (let) you down." You had told her that earlier in the week and she said she just cracked up when you did! Something about you just makes people smile! I'm glad you are a helper, extremely proud of how well you are doing in Pre-K, and still enjoying the constant flow of adorable things you say. My heart just hurts a little that you are growing so quickly and will soon be five. One day you will understand why. But thankfully the other day you told Daddy and me that you will still be wittle (little) enough to sit on our laps and snuggle with us when you turn five. And that is super good news.
Proud Of You,
Dear Jimmy,
This morning you preached on investing in people. You and I have both had some amazing people invest in us; and I can't tell you how grateful I am to spend life alongside you investing in others. It can be draining or discouraging at times; but you are so right, the end payoff of seeing someone grow in their relationship with Christ is worth it all! No greater joy! I appreciate all you do for others. I am proud to be your wife. I love you.
Keeping On Side By Side,
To My Savior and the Lover of My Soul,
The words from one of the worship songs we sang this morning is on my heart, and I just wanted to sing it to You one more time today...
Jesus what can I give, what can I bring to so faithful a Friend, to so loving a King
Savior what can be said, what can be sung as the praise of Your name, for the things You have done
Oh my words could not tell, not even in part
Of the debt of love that is owed by this thankful heart.
Daily Offering Up My Life,
*lyrics by Matt Redman
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