Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On My Heart

This morning I am thankful for...

*God's provision.  I shouldn't be surprised when we make ends meet because He promised to take care of us.  But I am amazed and thankful for His provision in our lives!

*Contentment.  There is such freedom in not longing and seeking after all that glitters, but finding joy in God's daily gifts.

*Sunday night.  We watched the movie Courageous as a church family, with many of our youth group students in attendance.  There was an overwhelming response from many of the men in our church afterwards.  It was an emotional, powerful moment.  There is going to be follow up on this over the next few weeks and I can't wait to see what God does!  After the movie, Jimmy and I got to take a crew of students to a dodge ball tournament for some good old fun since there was no school Monday.  It was a blast, and I was so proud of our students.  Great time of working together and bonding and cheering each other on!

*Health.  I never want to take basic abilities for granted.  We all woke up this morning with the physical strength to face the day.  That is a gift.

*A chance to spend most of the day off from school yesterday with my dad and daughter.  We got soaked riding the rapids in Asia, saw beautiful giraffes and other exotic animals on a safari in Africa, took a spaceship to Mars, and stopped at a bakery in France to end our day with our favorite chocolate cake and a gorgeous strawberry tart.  Oh, the magic of Disney and the memories we are blessed to make together!

*The fact that my husband has one of his closet friends and brothers in Christ in town.  He is taking some time to spend with him playing guitars, talking for hours, having fun.  Last night I fell asleep to the sounds of them playing praise and worship on their guitars in the other room.  I know how much renewal is found in spending time with a godly friend who makes you more like Christ.  Iron sharpens iron.  Laughter is good medicine.  I am happy for my husband.

*Time in the Word.  This morning that was a focus and I am challenged and renewed.

This morning I am praying for...

*Miracles.  God knows what they are.

*Trevor's cough.  It's been a tough time for many of us with allergies, and my little buddy is struggling with them big time.

*This week.  It is full and is going to go by quickly. I pray for the energy and focus to accomplish what I need to.

*This weekend.  I will be taking some girls from the youth group to a Girls Retreat at a camp.  A sweet friend of mine is speaking, and has been working hard preparing.  I am in prayer for her, and that God would make huge imprints on the hearts of the girls who go.  It is bound to be both a challenging and super fun time, and I am very excited!

*For a sister in Christ in Texas who told me she too will be busy with a girls event this weekend.  She and her husband and family have faithfully served in ministry for years and years.  I pray God's blessing over this time they will be setting aside for the teenage girls in their lives as well.

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