Dear Madi,
My little kindergartner, you are almost a first grader! This past month has been a blur of activity, and now you are tucked into dreamland to wake up to your first last week of school! I think we all have mixed emotions about this school year coming to an end because it has been such a blast. But I know I am looking forward to having more time with you, and you are looking forward to sleeping in! (And I'm looking forward to letting you sleep in because girl, you are not easy to get going in the mornings!)
I am so thankful that in the midst of a busy month we had such fun together as a family on Memorial Day weekend. It was a thrill to me to watch you have fun on the beach with your best friend. I remember the times as a child that I was able to go on little trips with friends, and it was just the best thing ever. We had a great time, mostly because you were such a terrific little group of well behaved kids! That makes life so fun! And it was also fun to see your delight in getting to stay in a hotel for a night. That is definitely on your list of favorite things.
I continue to be in awe of how you grow each day, and what a delightful little girl you are. Several times lately I have had some insight into just how sensitive your heart is for the Lord, and that sweet spirit blesses me more than you will ever know. I pray you will always keep that sensitivity, as well as your fun-loving spirit!
Let's finish this school year well. You have been amazing, making us and your teacher proud both academically and in your behavior and leadership. I can't wait to have you close this summer to make more memories and have more time to daily invest into your heart and your character. It is a privilege to be your mom, and I love you.
Four More Days,
Dear Trev,
One of the highlights of our week is a moment I will forever remember. You have been praying for your beloved Sunday School teacher Ms. Debbie so fervently since her massive heart attack and brain struggles from lack of oxygen while she was without a pulse a month ago. You have made several hospital visits with Daddy and me, but we could never let you see her. You adore her, and she adores you, and what a sweet reunion it was when you finally got to see her on Friday afternoon!! When we walked in she was in rehab and we were thrilled and amazed to see how well she was getting around - and I was amazed when she immediately recognized you and called you by name. You ran to her with the biggest grin to shower her with hugs and kisses, and her sister cried tears of joy as you talked with her and told her how you had been praying for her and you were so happy that she was doing so well. You clapped for her as she practicing climbing stairs, and then she invited you to come back to her hospital room where you chatted with her about Star Wars, coloring, and everything else on your mind. You asked her when she would be back in the "Bwue Room" and she said someday when she gets all better. Later that day, you told Paw Paw that Ms. Debbie is doing so much better, but we still need to pray "hard, hard, hard." And I know you will. You have faithfully lifted her to the throne every single day, along with Jennifer R. and others in need right now. I love your praying spirit. One of my prayers for you is that you will be a mighty man of God. But as a boy, you are certainly a mighty prayer warrior, and so generous with your love and encouragement. Thank you for that!
As for school, it looks like you will be doing part day Pre-K in the fall which makes me super excited for you and also makes me feel like I could burst into tears. Your legs are longer these days, and your maturity growing. You work so hard now to color in the lines, particularly pictures in your Star Wars coloring books. Your energy level is as high as ever, but we often find you proud to do helpful things like clean up or get yourself dressed. At four and a half you are such a charming blend of precious and precocious that I sometimes I wish I could just freeze time, but instead it just goes faster.
I had fun celebrating National Donut Day with you on Friday! There is no one that appreciates a donut more than you! Oh, and thanks for the picture you drew for me of the two of us on a donut date! That was priceless, just like you.
Memorizing Each Moment,
Dear Jimmy,
Thanks for being the type of man who joins in the family fun! Thinking of our Memorial Day weekend celebrations both with our one night beach getaway with friends and our early morning jaunt to Disney that Monday, I am grateful for how you go with the flow and make time with family a priority. I am thankful that you will carry coolers and beach umbrellas and wait in lines and take kids to the potty and clean out sandy cars and eat the packed lunches I make to save money and just be there. Your presence and participation in our lives provide us so much security, and that is very valuable.
And as always, thank you for the way you serve. May is always a bundle of graduation activities, and you are always willing to show up and help out in the community and in the lives of students. You are faithful and dependable, often in behind the scenes roles that don't gain a lot of recognition. And in my eyes, that makes you the best kind of man.
Looking forward to more serving together with VBS and camp around the corner, and having some summertime family fun in the sun!! (You only get cuter the more tan you get. ;)
By Your Side,
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