Friday, November 12, 2010

Dear Blog,

I miss you.

I really do.

There have been so many moments over the past few weeks that I have longed to sit down and share something funny, something special, something trivial, or something meaningful with you.

But there has been company to spend time with, conferences to go, girls to disciple, sheets to be washed for more company, bread to be baked, kids to be read to, people in need of encouragement, work to be done, lessons to be taught, weddings and celebrations to be prepare music for, friends to invest in, hospitals to visit, love to be shared, doctor's appointments and prescriptions to be picked up, meals to be cooked, time to be spent with God, and so much more.

And occasionally there's even been this thing called sleep that I like to participate in every once in awhile.

But I wanted you to know you are missed, because there is something uniquely special about getting to share from both the rushing rivers and the deep wells of my heart through the written word and snapshots of life.

And I was reminded this week, in a serious circumstance and time of need, that sometimes these drops of water fall on very thirsty souls that desperately needed a drink.  

So I will write more soon of both the sunshine and shade, the inspiring and mundane, both for my own expression and in hopes to water more thirsty hearts.

But in the meantime, I just wanted you to know I've been missing you.  You've been a good friend to me the past year, and in many ways have knit my heart closer to others in a way that I didn't realize would happen.

So thanks for every empty page that was waiting to be filled, because sometimes empty pages bring forth rich and full blessings.

With gratitude this November morning,


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