The text came in a few minutes before 6:00 yesterday morning. When I heard the buzz of my phone I knew what would be asked and I texted back yes, I could teach today. I gave myself a few more moments to enjoy the warmth of my bed before facing the cold darkness of morning, and when my slippers were on and the coffee dripped hot and fragrant, I brought up
Our Daily Bread on my Kindle. The text was in Matthew, the key verse familiar.
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
The author of the devotional wrote how Scripture teaches that God meets the needs of those who seek Him and pursue righteousness, and how we need to realize that often when we want more, God has already given us "just enough."
It was a timely reminder from a familiar passage I have known and even sung of since childhood. I smiled in the darkness because the day before, Sunday's sermon had included the same passage.
So I leaned in and listened, for I knew God was trying to remind me of something.
My heart kept going back to the word
There is so much in this world that vies for first place, that has the potential to steal our attention from God, who longs to draw us closer to His heart.
And this business of seeking Him first, it is not something that can be checked off of a color coded list. It is an attitude of the heart, the habit of a trained mind, daily surrender and constant choosing of obedience.
Not everything we seek is wrong. Many things we seek are good and should be sought, but they need to be sought
after we seek the heart of God.
He must be first. Then the other things will be added.
You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
When the priorities of my heart are ordered correctly, the rest follow and I see His hand and provision and mark all over my day to day living.
Goodness will overflow in the daily when my heart is centered and focused on Christ.
So whatever it is our hearts are seeking, even if good things - a solid marriage, obedient well-mannered children, a vibrant social life, health and wellness, financial peace, a well-ordered beautiful home, skills and talents, meaningful relationships, job success - let's seek God first. Let's serve Him first. Let's pursue God and righteousness and let everything else flow from Him as we remain in Him.
God, please help us. We confess we are easily distracted. But we want to love You most and pursue You first before anything else, trusting that our daily lives will be ordered best and reflect Your love most beautifully when we
give You first place in our lives and we remain in You.