Saturday, October 20, 2012

Apples Of Harvest

Our family has been enjoying apples this fall.  Apples are such beautiful, bountiful, nutritious gift of harvest time.  We have been enjoying them red, golden, and green...

We have enjoyed them at tea time...

We have enjoyed their fragrance as it has wafted through our cozy home...

We have even been reminded by them.  Like last year, I put out my Apples of Gold in a Silver Bowl as a reminder of how vital it is to speak kind, wise words.  I have recently seen again the destructive power of unkind, unwise words in lives around me and it breaks my heart.  Does anyone else sense an incredibly combative spirit in many people these days?  I do, even in people who claim the name of Christ.  We all need to settle down and think before we speak, choosing our words carefully so the harvest of our words will bring glory to God and build up others.

The other night when I was making a harvest style breakfast for dinner, I cooked some apples to go along with our meal.  Not only did the house smell amazing in a matter of minutes as the apples cooked, they tasted hot and delicious and made the perfect pairing with our pumpkin pancakes.

Cooked Cinnamon Apples

5 peeled and thinly sliced apples
3 TBSP water
1 TBSP brown sugar
1 TBSP white sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla

Put all ingredients in saucepan and simmer until apples are tender.

Live well, choose your words carefully, and enjoy nature's harvest during this
 most lovely of seasons!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your posts. In the tea picture I saw where you eat the candy corn and peanuts together. That is a yummy treat.

