Sunday, July 8, 2012

There Is Hope

Let me just start by saying that my friend Laurie is on a roll with the best cards ever these days!  I don't know where she is finding them, but they are amazing!  Shortly after I received the perfect birthday card, I received this lovely card from her in the mail.  Laurie is one of my faithful prayer warriors, and has definitely been a keeper of some of the secrets of my heart, a safe place I have turned to knowing I will be prayed for, cared for, encouraged.  This little card was so uplifting.  Take a listen...

Life is hard sometimes - crazy, mixed-up, messed up. And there you are in the middle of it all, just doing your thing...being strong and brave and beautiful 
like it's no big deal.

But let me tell you, girl, it is: Not everyone can do what you can do. Not everyone can handle things the way you can.  While you wonder sometimes if you're doing ok...the rest of us are just watching in wonder.

On the inside of the card was a verse I had actually posted on my facebook just recently...

Psalm 31:24  Be strong and let your heart take courage, 
all you who hope in the Lord.

As my spirit was energized by the text and Bible verse on this gorgeous card, I immediately thought of 4 or 5 friends I would love to send this card to.  Women who need to know that yes, life is crazy and hard and complicated and even messed up at times, but they are making it happen day by day and doing just fine.  Women who need to know they can be strong, have a courageous heart, hope in the Lord.  Women who need to know I admire them for facing each morning with strength and courage when I know some of the challenges their days hold.

Then I thought of you all.  And I thought that there are probably a few women I don't even know who are reading this right this minute and need to be reminded that they can keep putting one foot in front of the other and make it through what may be a very difficult season of their life.  Women who need to be reminded that they are strong, brave, beautiful, and that in the Lord there is hope no matter what their circumstances may be.

So for the friends on my heart or the women I've never even met who need a word of encouragement today...

This card is for you.

Be strong.

Let your heart take courage.

Hope in the Lord.

Go do your thing.

We'll be watching in wonder.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is an amazing card! Thank you, I need that right now. What a wonderful scripture to meditate on and take to heart. :)
