Dear Madi,
For some reason, you were on my heart and in my prayers extra last night and this morning. I was thinking of how very much I love you, and how proud I am of you. I was thinking about your kindness and gentleness toward others; your explosive laughter and giggles at home where you are comfortable but the shy, quiet side I sometimes see when you are out and about. How hard you work and how smart you are. What a lovely little lady I am blessed to share life with.
I have been giving you piano lessons the past several weeks at your request. I wasn't sure how this was going to work, just because of the mother/daughter dynamic. However you are doing so well, and love to play the piano! We are going at our own little pace, having a lesson when we have time, and you are often found in the music room, practicing the little songs you have learned. You are learning how to read on the staff and are grasping it quite well; and you have an excellent sense of rhythm, though I often think of how many lessons you sat through when you were inside of me, and how many times I patted the beat for my students on my growing belly. I guess it makes sense that you and your brother seem to have a natural sense of rhythm and pitch...music was a part of your life from the very beginning!
You continue to do so well in school, both academically and behaviorally. Your teacher gives me wonderful reports, and I cannot tell you how thankful I am and how proud that makes me of you. I hope you will always work hard and choose obedience and kindness. You continue to be drawn to the creative things in life. You are starting to become increasingly interested in style, and what you wear is more important than it was before. You, like me, are already getting excited for Christmas. You told me yesterday that you can't wait for the house to smell good and the music to be playing and the hot cocoa and all the other festive things we do to celebrate this time of year. You specifically told me you want to make a birthday cake for Jesus again, so I will make sure that is a part of our celebration. I absolutely love making holiday memories with you! We appreciate many of the same things.
Madi, I just want you to know in an extra special way that I love you so, so much. You are growing right before my eyes. I sometimes cringe at the harsher, negative sides of the world you will soon discover as you continue to grow. But I pray that you always find the beauty, and that your heart will ever lead you to Jesus and home.
Dear Trev,
Friday when Daddy dropped you off at Pre-K he happened to be there when a special announcement was made over the intercom at school. Turns out you were Student of the Month! When I went to pick you up that morning, I asked if you had any special news. A look of excitement came over your face, you looked back and forth quickly to your teacher and me a few times, then exclaimed, "I was the Month of the Year!!!!!"
Your teacher and I cracked up! Well, it is true that you sing about the months of the year in Pre-K, but we clarified that you were actually Student of the Month, and that we were proud of you! Your certificate said you were awarded for exemplary behavior. Good job, Trev!! My heart is so happy for the choices you are making and how you are growing! God is gracious. We celebrated with a lunch at our favorite little lunch stand, and sat outside eating together in the November breezes. In that moment you seemed like this beautiful mix of a maturing little boy and my snuggly little son, and I wanted to freeze time. The thing is, I can't. So I just have to enjoy each day, and enjoy the smallness while it lasts.
Taking It All In,
Dear Jimmy,
It has been a crazy couple of weeks - or should I say months! This time of year is always full, and I am grateful we handle it all as a team. The past week was particularly busy with details and behind the scenes help and ministry, and I am so thankful that today we have designated time to spend together, just the two of us! We will soon be off for a date day. That is just too fabulous for words!
I Love You,
Psalm 29:2
Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name;
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
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