Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Son

My son is hilarious.  

Sometimes he means to be and sometimes he doesn't, but he is simply one cute and funny kid!

We all love (or should I say wuv) how he can't say his L's, making normal words delightful... hearing him say things like wittle, hawewujah,  a wot, Wucky Charms, Buzz Wightyear, Miss Waurie, weg, bweed, wunch, and wearn make us smile every day!

And he always comes up with the best lines.  The other night I was trying to settle my kids down and was reading them the book Ramona's World (Marona's World in Trevor language) when they both got the giggles.  Trevor started full out belly laughing, and just could not stop to save his life.  After awhile, I tried to get him to calm down, and he pursed his lips together trying to hold in that contagious belly laugh. It wasn't working though, and he looked up at me and said, "Mommy my bewwy keeps doing funnies!!"

Which made my bewwy do funnies.  :)

The other day we were driving to church and I was completely exhausted.  I sort of sighed and said, "I'm pooped."  I guess Trevor hadn't heard that expression so he sort of giggled and asked what that meant.  I, with the help of his knowledgeable big sister, explained it in these terms...

"When you say pooped, you mean you are really, really tired."  

To which he replied, "And when you say poop, it means you have to go stinky."

Um, exactly.  

Oh, life with a three year old boy!

I love my son, and am grateful for the joy and laughter he brings to our lives daily!  

Thank you God for Trevor.

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