Saturday, August 21, 2010

God is God

It is dark.  The sun is not yet up, but I am halfway through my cup of coffee.  The house is cool but with everyone else sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to go digging around for a sweatshirt so I wrapped myself in two beach towels from a pile of laundry I set on the couch last night but just didn't have the energy to fold after a very productive, but long day.

For the past 20 minutes or so I have simply been still.  In my chair, wrapped in towels, slowly taking sips of the hot beverage that starts most days with me, with no sound but the gentle hum of the air conditioner fan, Psalm 46:10 immediately came alive in my heart and I have been sitting, barely moving, and basking in the knowing that God is God.

I am so relieved I am not.  I rejoice that He is.  And I will continue to find moments to sit quietly in His presence and the knowledge of His deity.

God is God.

He is my center.

Even in His greatness, He loves us.

Oh, how He loves us.

And oh, how I love Him.

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