Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

When I was young, I remember reading in novels and learning in history class about celebrations of May Day - the 1st of May - that involved dances twirling ribbons around a May Pole.  The whole idea seemed so festive and magical to my little mind!  I think in one of my elementary classes we may have recreated some type of May Pole celebration.

May Day is here, the start of what will be an extremely busy month.  It started out an ordinary morning. Early alarm, snooze button, dressing kids for school, goodbye kisses, shower, Special K, coffee, lesson from Bible study on David.

Yesterday morning we attended a Pre-K breakfast and received this sunny little gift from Trevor, made from his handprints...

This morning I was back at school with him, this time for his Kindergarten Roundup.  It is unreal that my baby will start kindergarten in the fall.  Part of me is excited for him, another part of me can't even bear the thought of it.  I suppose when summertime comes to a close I will have to find my courage again.  For now though, I am building up the anticipation for his sake.  It will be the start of a new chapter for both of us.  I'm not sure my heart is quite ready for it.

Still, we enjoyed the morning at school and though I still am not feeling too great, have tried to push through the day to attend to the ordinary, necessary details of life.  You know the kind; they are usually unnoticed until Momma can't get to them for a few days.  I paid several bills.  My fifth load of laundry is in the dryer...the other four have been folded and put away (I told you I was behind).  Thankfully the laundry baskets are looking much better around here.

I baked a yellow cake, which Trevor requested a few days ago.  I will ice it with chocolate frosting (also my little shopping buddy's request) and we can enjoy it after dinner tonight.  I also have a batch of cinnamon streusel muffins cooling on the counter; after serving up an unimpressive breakfast of bananas and juice boxes in the car this morning, I decided I needed to step up my game, feeling well or not!

The dishes are clean and the sink is empty which for me is like making the beds; when I take the time to do it, it helps give a sense of cleanliness and calm, even if other clutter remains.  The rest of the kitchen is tidy now except for the table.  I went ahead and left the myriad of art supplies, legos, and cars there as to not impose on Jimmy and Trevor's workspace.  A house is to be lived in after all.  And the boys have been busy there.

I am taking extra vitamins and actually broke down and went to the doctor yesterday.  I hadn't been in forever and had to go to the clinic which was admittedly a long and not fun experience, though I did leave with a Zpack which the doctor said may or may not help.  It's hard to say whether this is viral or bacterial with everything going around and the various things I have been exposed to.  I figured it would be worth a try, but hadn't been on an antibiotic in a long time and oh.my.goodness. That thing tore my stomach to shreds.  I ordered a book on Jimmy's Kindle and turned in early after that experience.  We'll see what happens.  But as I said, with the way this month is planned, I have got to get better, even if it is mind over matter!  One thing I have learned as a mom is that there are very rarely times to slow down.  I will try to turn in early again tonight though.  Rest is important.

After serving lunch (including Trevor's favorite "Granny Old Smith Apples") and doing chores, the house is now filled with the sounds of Trevor's quiet play.  I have been hearing his whispers as his imagination takes him on pirate adventures, rescue missions, and into far away galaxies.  With the thought of kindergarten looming, I treasure these quiet sounds and having him underfoot.  He has been my dearest pal the past two years.  Never mind that my coffee table is covered with toys; it is the evidence of a curious and happy little fellow who brightens each day.

He was so sweet to me last night.  He knew I wasn't feeling up to par and as I was getting him ready for bed he said, "Awww, poor Mommy, you are sick.  Don't worry, I know what to do!"

He ran out of his room and came back with my pillow.  He laid it next to his, and then tucked me in under his Star Wars blanket and covered my cheek with sweet kisses.  Then he played one of my favorite Kari Jobe songs on his CD player.  Such a caring little guy.  Madi came in and snuggled with us for a few minutes, then I sent them off to dreamland.

Today in the car I was thanking Trevor for taking care of me last night, telling him how thoughtful that was.  I told him he was going to make a great husband one day, that whoever married him would be a lucky girl.

He grinned, and said he wondered who he would marry.  I told him I was already praying for whoever God has for him, that she would be a virtuous woman.  Then a concerned look came over him and he said, "But I will miss my Wii."

He was reassured when I told him he could still have a Wii when he got married!  Sigh of relief.

And so we enter May, 2012.  Ordinary tasks, busy calendar, simple but special moments.

Happy May Day to you and yours!

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