Friday, September 10, 2010


So, last night I came home from a long praise band practice with that scratchy, sore throat, tired feeling.  I was hopeful it was just exhaustion from the past few weeks of running in circles, this past one being particularly busy and involved.

But I woke up with that same feeling in my throat.  And I also just couldn't get going, you know?  I'm usually a pretty high energy person once I'm up and at 'em, but after getting my daughter ready for school, getting her breakfast and packing her lunch, sending her out the door, and drinking my morning coffee I still felt totally and completely exhausted.

And after I starting dosing off in my green chair at 10:30 in the morning (unheard of - and that was after taking two non-drowsy cold/sinus pills) as my son was pretending to be Santa Claus delivering me gifts, I knew I was definitely not feeling well.

My plans for the day were for some major house cleaning.  Didn't get done.

I was also planning on going to a get-together at my parents' house tonight.  I am currently sitting here alone as the rest of my family gets to party.

But the good news is my husband just walked in the door to drop off some food from the party, including my mom's bruschetta and some sort of pumpkin cupcake with cream cheese frosting (that was in a seasonal wrapper with a pumpkin pick, totally something I love); I read an entire book today, a very gripping and thought-provoking piece of fiction; the Aldi's Pumpkin Spice coffee creamer that I purchased yesterday and got to try this morning turned out to be better than the name brand version of the same flavor; and the tomato soup I made earlier hit the spot.

I am still tired and not feeling well.  I am still wearing an old sweatshirt and covered in a blanket and feel like my head is heavy.  But it's okay.  Most likely it's the start of a head cold or some very aggravated sinuses.  No big deal.

And it was  a good day nonetheless, because if I felt my usual self there is no way I would have sat still long enough to read a 324 page book that I didn't want to put down.  Sometimes being still is a good thing, most of us don't just let ourselves do it often enough. And I wouldn't have heard my sweet three year old son spontaneously pray for me to feel better, and tell me not to worry, that God is with me and would make my "froat" feel good.

So nice things do sometimes come on days when we feel under the weather!

Well, I'm about to go take the drowsy nighttime version of the cold/sinus pills which means I'll be useless for at least twelve hours.  So I'm signing off for now, and hoping to feel better tomorrow so I can tackle that housecleaning.

If not, I guess I'll read another book.  Hmm....maybe I shouldn't take that medicine.

Just kidding!  Hoping your day was a good one and that, sick or not, you'll find time for a good book and a pumpkin cupcake sometime soon!



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